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The unique educational philosophy set out over one hundred years ago by Dr. Maria Montessori recognized that children are driven by a natural curiosity and a love of knowledge. She observed that the child passes through definite periods of sensitivity for acquiring knowledge and skills. The Montessori curriculum integrates these sensitive periods with the individual interests of the child to design a cumulative curriculum. Classroom activities are organized into the following areas:


Practical Life

The practical life exercises relate directly to daily living tasks. They are activities a child sees carried out everyday in his home. From learning to put on his coat to peeling a carrot or polishing silver, the child gains independence and develops fine motor movement skills essential for future writing.



This group of activities helps in refining the child's senses. Dr. Montessori designed these materials to isolate individual senses and to show the child how to pair and eventually grade the materials according to colour, taste, smell, touch and sound. Activities for all the senses begin with simple tasks and move toward materials that require more skill.



Dr. Montessori discovered that the child is sound conscious well before the age of three. At our montessori schools we use sound games and language activities to enable the child to learn the individual phonetic sounds in the English language. These sounds are associated to a symbol using sand paper letters. Once this is achieved the child begins to read and write phonetically.



The young child loves to count and does so as a rhyme. The child is introduced to the quantity that is associated. Once a child is comfortable with number 1-10, he is introduced to the decimal system and begins to learn the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The Montessori mathematics are very extensive but always begin with the concrete and move into the abstract.

Cultural Studies and Science

Cultural studies are an integral part of the curriculum and are incorporated into every aspect of the school. Dr. Montessori believed the best way to introduce a concept was by first looking at the whole and then breaking it down into the integral parts. The globe is presented, then the land and water forms, followed by the puzzle map of the continents and then the individual country maps. Climate, customs, language, music, and peoples are part of our geography studies. The child is introduced to science through observations and simple experiments.



Ms B.J directs our music program. In addition, music is also an integral part of our classroom. Songs are always part of our circle time as well. The children are introduced to all types of instruments and beats. Music class is 2x/week and 1 hour long.



Arts and crafts materials are always available in the classroom. We also celebrate special events and holidays with craft projects.


Physical Activity

The children are able to develop their gross motor skills through outdoor playtime and gym time. Outside time is planned for every morning and afternoon weather permitting of course.

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